Friday, September 6, 2013

Sofa Bohemian Style

Quite a few of my clients don't realize their Boho proclivities until we are working together and the ideas start to click. When I'm working on a living room project, the first thing they rightly worry about is the sofa. 
Doesn't Bohemian mean vintage (used) furniture? Can I get  a comfortable new sofa with the same feel? Does it always have to be velvet (high maintenance?)

Trust your instincts

The answers are not always, yes and no. Your sofa is the 
largest upholstered piece in a room and is a good place to start when decorating in any style. Use it as the jumping off point for color selection, adding more pattern and choosing the rug and accessories. Let's look at some examples that you could use to give the Boho feel:

Fabulous contemporary use of steel and velvet

Traditional velvet

OMG linen draped sofa

OTT patent leather traditional

Nice fabric choices for a Bohemian sofa

Each of these awesome upholstered pieces give the basic feel we are looking for and give us a range of Bohemian directions to pursue. Now don't get the panicked notion you have to chuck your existing serviceable piece, remember Boho style started with use-what-you-have or hand-me-downs. I love to reupholster or slipcover seat and back cushions with Bohemian feeling fabrics or just use throw pillows. Here is my own leather sofa last year:

Photo via author

My husband complained of a cold bum in the winter, so this was the solution! Love the look and when I'm tired of it, I'll just change the fabric to suit my mood. Here's another fab idea:

Jewel-toned Boho design

Simple denim sofa (maybe a bit worn) covered with cozy, fuzzy throws. Mis-matched throw pillows complete the casual well loved feeling of this informal Bohemian design. 

The point is that starting with the sofa either as a new purchase or re-purposing your existing piece is sometimes a good starting point for your Bohemian inspired living room. From there choosing paint colors, adding side chairs, tables, rugs and lighting should be a little easier to deal with.

Have any design questions regarding adding Boho design to your space? Make a comment and we'll get you started!

(Pix via Pinterest)


  1. Love this post! I'm lucky enough to have found a red velvet down-filled sofa - NEW at a thrift store!

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